Character Name: Yola the Wild
Player Name: Michelle Stewart
Race/Class/Level: Human, Barbarian/6
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height/Weight/Age: 5'9"/ 160lbs/ 19
Homeland: Varisia - Moon Clan
Diety: Desna

Racial Abilities:
Skilled ( +1 Skill point/level)
Bonus Feat (1 extra feat at 1st level)

Class Features:
Rage /16 rounds ( +4 STR/CON, +2 Will sv. -2 AC)
Fast Movement ( +10 spd in med or lighter armor)
Uncanny Dodge ( retain dex bous to AC if flat footed)
Trap Sense +2 ( +2 Ref and AC vs traps)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (cannot be flanked)

-Totem Spirit-Moon Clan ( +1 Will, +2 Perception)
-Two Weapon Fighting
-Exotic Weapon/Two-Bladed Sword
-Two Weapon Defence (+1 AC/shield when 2 weapon fighting)

Rage Powers:
:Quick Reflexes ( +1 att of opp per round while raging)
:Renewed Vigour (heal 1d8+con mod as std action 1/day during rage)

Items Worn
Armor: +1 Breastplate
Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance+1

Attacks: (Base Attack +6/+1)
Shifter's Sorrow, two-handed (+10/+5 to hit, 1d8+5/1d8+5 dmg, 19+/x2 crit)

Shifter's Sorrow, two weapon (+8/+3/+8 to hit, 1d8+4/1d8+4/1d8+2 dmg)

Comp Longbow/+3str (+9 to hit, 1d8+3 dmg, 20/x3 crit)


Yola's parents can't figure out what is wrong with her, how can you not enjoy watching the flocks, why must she wrestle with the other lads, or if really bored go hunting for wolves - but really all Yola wants is a bit of fun in this dull nomadic life. Yola is being sent to Sandpoint to seek guidance from her uncles Garridon Viskalai who runs the White Deer Inn and his brother Belor Hemlock the sheriff.
Shifter's Sorrow

This is an ancestral two-bladed sword of the Shoanti Moon Clan. It's powers only awaken in the hands of a worthy warrior, and under certain conditions. Currently, Yola has unlocked the following powers:

:Shifter's Sorrow is a +1 weapon with blades of alchemical silver. It deals an additional 2d6 damage against creatures with the (shapechanger) subtype. When a shapechanger or creature in an alternate form is struck by the blade they must make a DC15 will save or revert to their natural form

Monday, August 2, 2010

Level 6

Yola gets to select a new Rage Power.  I would suggest Guarded Stance, Swift foot, Superstitious, or Surprise Accuracy